Courtesy to British Beauty Blog:
Custom purchase is now available for this range of Hello kitty x marks and spencer make up. due to release in 3 weeks time.
Customer with over £20 purchase will get a free Hello Kitty London sticker
All order can email to
Website for custom purchase is :
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Unlike - JuJu aquamoist
I have been trying my heart and soul out to like this JuJu Aquamoist series. This is just one of the product from JuJu Aquamoist that I try my best to like. oh no.. it didn't work out.
Let me present you another product that didn't work out for me.
The serum...
I really tried. I read and reread the instruction and still cannot get it work for me.
Reason for unlike:
1. It does not suit my skin. it leaves a very sticky feeling to my skin, no matter how thinly i spread it, before or after toner, morning or evening. The stickiness on my skin really irritates me. S tried so hard to attach my eye shield with tapes at night and he complain ' your face is so sticky and I can't attach the tapes on it' that's how bad it is
2. It does not work even it is in winter. Lets suppose that it moisturizes skin. So, if it is a gel moisturizer I suppose it works in summer better than winter? oh no.. get your blot paper out if you want to use this. I try to use this even in a UK summer weather (nice and dry and not hot at all) still. it just stick. Even in winter, it still sticks
3. Why not use it as gel mask? or apply another layer of moisturizer? i tried. still doesn't work. I don't want to feel like thousands of bees stick to my face if I use it as gel mask.
So verdict:
stay away from it.
If you still want it, you are welcome to get it from me. I'm selling this for USD $5. Maximum use : 10 times (finger lightly dip in it)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Surviving British Summer - laneige power essential skin ex rules
This summer is driving my absolutely up the wall. I am barely surviving because of the heat. i know it is nothing compare to Hong Kong, but still, my skin went riot and I need to change my routine completely.
I'll split this summer special skincare review bits by bits, I'll write a specific product I tried this summer (since the heatwave started) and review them.
First.. is my saviour.. without this. My skin will give me bums, pimples, etc.
Laneige Power Essential Skin EX
What's this?
It is difficult to explain. I was given this my a friend and later pruchase it for a different purpose. My friend gave this when I asked her to CP me a toner. I bought this to use as a toner mask. But this summer, I am using this as a moisturiser. Can I just say this is multi-purpose then?
I paid around $160 HKD, which is £13.5/$20USD selling this for $149.00, which is $19 USD is selling this including International mail (to anywhere in the world) for USD $49.00
How to use:
put some on a cotton and whip your face with it.
Alternatively, buy some dry paper mask and soak the toner up and have a toner mask in the morning :)
My verdict:
As a toner mask, it works. i love the smell and the feel, and my face feels refreshing. It is rather cheap and doesn't hurt the bank. i started using this as a toner mask since 2007, when I was really poor and I can only afford toner mask (there's no My beauty diary masks available then..)
I only discover this as a moisturiser this summer because nothing works on me anymore. Anything I put on which is vaguely called 'moisturiser' (you name it... JuJu moisturising gel, Boots Vanishing Cream..) they just become oil and stick on my skin.. and S had lots of problem to put the eye shield on for me at night because my face is soo oily that the tapes does not stick.
So I need to seek another way to moisturize and thought I'll just put some 'thicker' texture toner as moisturizer and hope the best. And this works.. skin immediately stop having red spots, pimples etc
Laneige is my summer saviour for now. I run out of IPSA metabolizer but don't want to spend money to haul IPSA to UK ($80 USDDDDDDD)... so I'm digging out everything I had and try again..
Will talk about the other products that work next post....
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Halo girls... back from the surgery
do you miss me?
Hiya, I'm back!!! I have had some good rest throughout the week, including my mom and bro calling me to make sure i stay off internet. If you are on twitter you know that I've been twitting even 5 mins after the op. but hey, I can see and now has 20/20 vision.

I arrived at the clinic with the football match, France vs South Africa on. I was the first one that afternoon so the nurses all came out watching the match. We had a bit of chat so everything went smoothly.
I won't bore you the details how they zap me 8 times but everything went ok, and it was painless. The aftermath is I ended up with swollen eyes and need to wear eyeshield for 2 weeks. Please stop laughing after you look at this pic.
My first night after surgery. Very swollen eyes (is lack of sleep) and with eye shield to prevent me from rubbing my eyes at night (yes, is Hello Kitty Pyjamas)
That's me next day up and ready to for my check-up. Top from Bread and butter and my green leggings from Taobao hehe
The worst thing that no one talks about are the eyedrops. This is what I got after a week, my left eye is a bit inflamed so I got given more eye drops
And that's me after 1 week. Still wearing my sunglasses, and I had too much time so everything I wore there comes from the internet which I ordered within 1 week.
Top : Fred perry top (1/2 price) with a black skirt from Urban Outfitters
Bag: Vivienne Westwood Green Tartan Orb (courtesy of ebay) with receipt bought from genuine VW shop
Iphone case: Paperchase, is a colourful butterfly case which I love. (but looking at the Sena Wallet case hmmm)
I promise my next blog will be beauty related...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Goodbye online world.. We'll see each other again... soon
Today is the day I have my eye surgery. no idea if it'll be a success (yes everyone says it'll be but I'm scared to death) I wave goodbye to you until my eyes can see.
Before my surgery been doing shopping (we love shopping) to prepare myself of the next few days
Before my surgery been doing shopping (we love shopping) to prepare myself of the next few days
- ready made meal, no brainer meal that you can just put in microwave and ready to eat
- face wipes. As no water can go into your eyes, you can wash your face
- no makeup for 2 weeks. (I wanna ask can I at least wear concealer?)
- extra painkillers
- tidy the flat. to make sure only cats are the only obstacle from room to kitchen or toilet
Thursday, June 17, 2010
CP Fr Hong Kong and my little business
I'm the cutest cat in the world by Mui Chu
so continuing on my haul.. I recently asked a friend to help out to get two pieces of clothing from a local Hong kong brand called th.
so this is what i got...
On the label, it also has the stickers :) and oh my god... it is even cuter with the prints
also got this little dress
the ribbon makes it sooo cute... I couldn't resist the tempation not getting this
So my business...
I actually run an online business outside the blogasphere. I help people to CP stuff back to Hong Kong and been working for over 1 year now. Some of my customers found this blog so I may just speak here.
I mainly CP anything (from t-shirts, vivienne westwood shoes, to even facial machines, and a greenhouse) to anywhere in the world, but I focus on helping Hong Kong customers. And this is my company website:
I am also looking to expand the business by offering CP from Hong Kong and other places around the world. And primarily, Japan, Korea, USA, China and Malaysia. If anyone is looking for some business experience and opportunity, please let me know.
I need someone who are good at internet shopping, have a bank account and good at fashion for this job. (Some space at home to store items is a bonus) This can be either dealing with customers from where you are, or helping to stock whatever the customer need. I now have someone from Hong Kong so if you are any of the above region, feel free to contact me direct at
Although the website is primarily in Chinese, don't worry, most of our customers speak English so language is not a problem.
The business is definitely expanding and hence I'm delegating this business out more.
So this is my little blurb abt my business.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Taobao haul - real size Hello Kitty handbag
I just did a massive Taobao haul last week. Taobao? what's taobao. It is the China version of ebay, but rather than bidding, it is like online shops (so more towards the Gmarket concept). I need some red pockets for my wedding and some practice exercise for my JLPT exams in Dec. when it is only £2 per book compare to £16, you know where i want to buy them
I might one day write a guide on how to taobao... rather complicated especially you are from overseas. Taobao is strictly a Chinese only website and although it is only open to the China region customers, there's a way getting round that problem and buy super cheap goods.
picture heavy, here it goes
Who doesn't fall for this gorgeous Hello Kitty Handbag? It is made of shiny plastic wire and crystals...
It is one of its kind... they have purple, pink, and yellow in colour and different sizes as well. Mine is between a medium and large (60cm)
I might one day write a guide on how to taobao... rather complicated especially you are from overseas. Taobao is strictly a Chinese only website and although it is only open to the China region customers, there's a way getting round that problem and buy super cheap goods.
picture heavy, here it goes
Who doesn't fall for this gorgeous Hello Kitty Handbag? It is made of shiny plastic wire and crystals...
It is one of its kind... they have purple, pink, and yellow in colour and different sizes as well. Mine is between a medium and large (60cm)
A jill stuart inspired dress in Chiffon. I really can't say no for this.. cost of £15.
A pair of camelia sandals and some redpockets for our wedding (I think is around £7 for both?)
A Black Camelia Print handbag (roughly £30)
see I love Camelia...
I also hauled from Hong Kong with the help with a friend... and I'll talk about my little business that I run behind this blog as well (it is all about hauling)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Cosmetic surgery? Laser eye surgery - consultation day
Goodbye to glasses and hello to circle lens?
Anygirls here are short-sighted, long sighted and with axis? I am short-sighted since the age of 6 and it doesn't get any worse. I'm a -10.5 with axis and basically I go blind with I don't wear glasses. It is so bad that i can't play with circle lens as they're just not strong enough for my eyes.
Reason why i do this post is so that anyone out there thinking of laser surgery can be more informative. not many post is dedicated over the pre-consultation, and despite the high successful rate, the internet is filled with horror stories. I find it a bit despressing that always the negative wins over the positive. How many stories we read about preventive jabs are great but the horror stories about how painful it is?
My first impression was the sales pitch of these clinics. If you search, many clinics offer different kind of discount. Half price, referral etc. However, one needs to take care of is fixed price policy. The price shouldn't fluctuated because you have a higher prescriptions. But the price should be the same to anyone if it is a -1 to -10. Why? there's no difference to the techniques they used, after care. A flap to the eye still need to be created and the laser still need to go there and burn some tissue off.
I went with the one I know of. It is a clinic that is round the corner to my university and it's been there since 2003 (that branch at least) it is still there now so I have no problem finding where it is. The clinic is hmm fashionable shall i say? free hot drinks, relaxing chairs, cute sales great advisor and optician who knows their job.
I was given a 2 hour appointment because of my high prescriptions and a need of further testing to see my suitability to IoL. the easy test, all involve shining super bright light on your eye, a puff test (its a bit like blowing sudden air to your eye) and various balloon watching test determine your current eye prescription. I was then lead to a qualified eye surgeron for further testing.
My drops that numb my eye
Then I do further eye testing to see what prescription I need. then the moment of truth. Numbing your eye and poking eye test....
My doctor put some yellow drops to my eye, which is the same they'll use on the day to numb my eye... then further testing can be continued. I saw a poking instrument, I asked 'are you going to poke my eye?' She said, 'No...' with hesitation.
Unsure when she poked my eye but she did and i didn't even know. That numbing medicine rocks!
So the verdict, which the doctor explained in details...
- my prescribtion is still do-able under laser but not IoL
- I have thicker cornea meaning that usually in my case I am not consider as borderlin case, but I have plenty of tissue to burn, and if my eye-sight is not corrected to 100%, they can still operate on me again
- My eyes are in an odd shape that is oval rather than a sphere shape. That means there's not enough room for lens insertation and I'm not suitable for that procedure
- I cannot use the latest technology which is called wavelength because it will take away more tissues. Doctor think is best to use the simpliest method and give me a chance if a further corrective operation is needed
For me, there's nothing to say no. I'm -10.5 and I am totally blind. In fact, my eye test is all free because of my high prescription, I'm just a little step away from calling myself disabled.
So I have booked in to have a laser surgery in 1 week. There's a long list to do... I'll be working my butt off from now
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Primer as base review - part 1
Today's is thursday and I suppose to be meeting up girls for a makeup shopping spree. Unfortunately, this has been cancelled so I arrange an eye-appointment instead.
After the total realisation that I changed in skin-tone, I'm desperate for foundation yet not wanting to spend my money away (I got a super huge bill of tax to pay off, and just paid my wedding photographers etc) I'm now using Primer as foundation, with a top-up of Shu Uemura Loose Powder in 7YR
You might think, if you use primer as foundation, can it cover up the scar? Actually, that's where concealer comes from... because I use primer just to even out my skintone, I have no worries about the shade of foundations if it match me or not.
After the total realisation that I changed in skin-tone, I'm desperate for foundation yet not wanting to spend my money away (I got a super huge bill of tax to pay off, and just paid my wedding photographers etc) I'm now using Primer as foundation, with a top-up of Shu Uemura Loose Powder in 7YR
You might think, if you use primer as foundation, can it cover up the scar? Actually, that's where concealer comes from... because I use primer just to even out my skintone, I have no worries about the shade of foundations if it match me or not.
Shu Uemura UV Under base Fluid in Medium Beige
I first got hold of this from a swap with Jennifer. When using as a base, I don't see it particular helpful to make the foundation stay longer, but it helps with even out skin tone and make your skin illuminate. It has been sitting in the bottom of my makeup bag for a long time but since it's Shu, i just keep it.
So when recently i run out of foundation option... i dug this out again. Unlike my other primer such as Maybelline Angelfit, this even out skintone. Wearing this on its own helps, and top up with Loose powder and concealer, I'm good to go.
A swatch on hand
Another useful point of using primer is that, when you're in the sun and you need to top up your sunscreen every 2 hours.. if you use foundation, is likely you need to take them off and apply fresh. With primer, You just top it up as it is and blush on loose power. Fresh face again :)
You might wonder if wearing such primer on its own has a different to wearing foundation. Of course it does! I much much prefer a perfect foundation as it evens out all my imperfection more.. but since I'm skint for now, i decided to work on anything I got and make the best use of it.
Monday, June 7, 2010
From NC35 -> Nc25 my exp getting lighter skin
It's been a long time since I did a beauty post :) i thought I'll share a little bit of my whitening secret.
i have commented about my skin looks lighter, in fact many of my foundations doesn't really work now. i have been trying to get a more even skin tone. i'm not the type that try to get whiter skin for the sake of it, but i have two main problem. My face and my neck shade is at least 2-3 shade apart. My neck is a lot lighter than my face, and I'm trying to get it more even. Second is my right hand part of my face has been getting lot of pimple scar last year, and leave a few scars. I try to even out the scar so that I don't need to wear concealer over that part.
I cannot pin point which product helps to lighten my skin but these are the products that I use that say it helps skin whitening
IPSA Metabolizer EX4
this is a moisturizing lotion, combining the function of toner and moisturizer in one. I think the texture is more like a light emulsion. This has anti-aging and whitening properties, and the most important of all, this is the only moistuizer that helps my skin to go oil-free in those days in Hong Kong.
It has a very light texture, and I'm quite happy about it. This is the most moisturizing version you can get, but it doesn't really work in winter. I have been using this since October.
You can purchase this from Bobodave, or ask some of the online shop that can help with a CP. The cheapest is actually to get it in Hong Kong. Cost me $550? in HKD, which is nearly £50. But it is 100ml...
Sana Soy whitening serum
I mentioned this before in this post.
So roughly the combination of these two porducts helps me from NC 35 to NC 25.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wedding photography in Japan (for English speaker)
Photo taken by Rankin
This is part of my Bridezilla series :)
readers! readers! I just want to say thank you to everyone who is reading this blog. I recently got emails on a daily basis asking questions and just saying hi which I am very grateful. those who are on twitter, getting my daily dose of twits know that my heart has flew to japan for various reasons.
i thought I'll share some of my research on getting wedding/engagement photography in Japan.
1. How to choose, studio/location:
Basically, they are separated into two categories. Wedding day photography and also Engagement photography. Both self-explanatory. Many engagement photography happens in a studio. And there are some called Location photography which is outside the studio.
I find there are more studio engagement photography in Tokyo compare to other places. And if you want more natural photos, I recommend Location photography.
Location photographer generally are free-lancer from my research. Therefore, you need to sort out your own dress on the day. Some studio wedding photographers do location photography but they are generally more expensive.
Studio photography:
They are one of the best in Japan and no doubt they will take care of you.
2.Free-lancer or not?
I personally prefer free-lancer, as becoming free-lance meant that they're really good at what they're doing. I prefer the personal touch, the face to face communication with them.
Studio is better for those who need a more inclusive service, i.e. dress hire, makeup, transportation etc.
One of the freelancer photographer I asked. (he speaks English and very reasonable price if you're in Tokyo and surrounding area
3. Package
One of the most important question to ask is how many photos you will take and how many they will edit. Many would just say they will take i.e 100-400 photos and pick 20%-50% of the photos for further editing.There are package that includes makeup, dress, and perhaps transportation. Be sure to read everything what is included or not and pick what suits you.
4. What is not included?
If you are doing location photography, the transport between 1 place to another is not included. Some package will tell you how many location you can do and some say not.
The other is printing more photos afterwards. I will advise if you want to pick the package that includes as many photos as you can, then you won't regret later.
If you go with freelancer photographer, you'll need to arrange 'everything' yourself. Make up, hair styling. They can recommend a makeup artist for you in most of the cases.
One of the more exclusive studio based in Fuji City (where you can take the photos of Mount Fuji) all inclusive with dress, makeup, accessories etc. Shame I just don't have time to do it.
Photo Office Rose
5. Album or DVD?
Nowadays, you can choose if you want it to be make into an album style or just print it yourself. I prefer to get everything in DVD because I do print my own album if necessary. And it is difficult to reprint from photos. Many photographers never give you high-res photos and keep it for their own sake. Because if you want to reprint, you must contat them and they can charge further. Therefore, I will definitely ask for high rest photo copy rather than an album styleKentaro Mishima
He is based in Kyoto and has been very accommodating. He even includes transportation and change of clothes in between location without charge!
That's all from me. Hope it'll help some bridezilla out there
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
what shall i do with my foundation? and apopofkawai launch
It's a rollercoaster since I last posted. Wedding and other things has been happening. A few of my twitter bloggers know a big big news that I received last week, which I'll keep under wrap for now as there are quite a few things to do before i can annouce it.
Just a quickie to say. Nic nic from bang bang she shoots has launched her makeup site.. hehe, I already got a long list of item to send her , and hence my title post.
Remember i said I gone a shade lighter? well.. in fact it is 2 shade lighter than all my foundations except those I purchase in Hong kong doesn't suit. The only thing that suits me is Canmake 3D Foundation in 03, and Jil Stuart 103 (it is very light but still... it is better suited than others)
I need a recommendation for a foundation that suits a NC25.. any??
Just a quickie to say. Nic nic from bang bang she shoots has launched her makeup site.. hehe, I already got a long list of item to send her , and hence my title post.
Remember i said I gone a shade lighter? well.. in fact it is 2 shade lighter than all my foundations except those I purchase in Hong kong doesn't suit. The only thing that suits me is Canmake 3D Foundation in 03, and Jil Stuart 103 (it is very light but still... it is better suited than others)
I need a recommendation for a foundation that suits a NC25.. any??
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A day out in the beach
in front of a beach hut
FOTD: Anessa Sunscreen Sparkle spf 50, Ettusais Powder Foundation 04, DHC Rose Lip Balm
Hair: just a hair band bought in Taiwan
Clothing: Tsumori Chisato Dress
In the hottest day of 2010 so far, me and S decided to leave the cats at home and went to the seaside for some beach, seafood and away from the computer. Rarely, I have a day that there's no shift and no need to rush home for work, so we totally took the opportunity to go to the beach.
We went to a seaside town called West Mersea somewhere on the East Coast of England. We choose there because there's local seafood, namely oysters and lobsters around there. Althought we know it is not in season, but it is worth a try.
The company Shed is the place to go for seafood. Nice and fresh. A seafood platter for 1 is only 7.50 for takeaway, since there's no seat and it cost £2 more per head to eat in, me and S bought 2 portion of seafood platter and went to the beach for a seafood picnic.
Don't be fool by the sand. It is no sandy beach, it is a rocky/pebble beach and we met a Chinese couple went shellfish hunting. They were armed with a big bucket and I thnk some razor calms wouldn't survive under the Chinese fishing. It was interesting to see what we were concerned was not enjoying the sea water, diving in, sunbathing, but.. what's on dinner tonight :)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Review 2: Cancer Council Sunscreen + Washing off suncreen
To continue from my previous post, here's the day wear face sunscreen and some swatch
Review of Cancer Council Day Wear Face Sunscreen
What's good?
Perfect for face. It is not oily at all! There's no blotting paper needed when I was in sydney, and in fact, I was bare face most of the time coz I have clear skin and re-applying sunscreen is more important than to have makeup in this case.
no white cast, to me this sunscreen feels more like a moisturizer than a sunscreen for face
Refreshing - coz it has added aloe vera to its ingredients, when you apply, it feels cooling and refreshing when you apply to your face.
What's not so good?
little more expensive it is 15 AUD which is around £8.
it has 75ml compare to the 110ml of your body sunscreen (still a lot more than Anessa)
The swatch
On the left: Day wear sunscreen
On the right: 2 hrs body sunscreen
You can see the body sunscreen is a lot thicker than the day wear sunscreen
On the left: Day wear sunscren
on the right: 2 hours body sunscreen
After applying, you can see the body sunscreen is not absorb immediately compare to the day wear sunscreen (the shiny part f it) but be assured, it is definitely absorb totally without greasiness once you rub it more
Both does not show white cast after rubbing it.
So back to my last post, I had some horrible experience with white cast. That's due to over-applying my sunscreen (Anessa) every 1 hours on the beach.
I came home and head straight to the shower, and trying to show it off. To my horror, my normal shower gel nor my L'occitane sugar rub can wash it off. I really thought that I can 'rub' it off with my sugar rub..
So on a desperate measure, I need to use my Fancl Cleasing oil and it works wonders. I used up 1/3 of the bottle just to wash off my sunscreen.
But it seems the less SPF you got in the sunscreen, the less white cast you have (hmmm...) definitely with the Cancer Council sunscreen, even I re-apply according to the instructions, I have no white cast in the end of the day when I got home.
Has anyone got any good wash-off sunscreen tips? I am sobbing over my fancl cleansing oil now and at this rate, I'll be hauling more very soon.
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