Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Taiwan trip 2 photos heavy
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Jill Stuart Smooth Silk Powder foundation N review
I'm back to London. EVEN this is a short stop (just under 1 week) I'm so happy to see my lovely cats, they're giving me cold shoulder at the moment, but it is ok.
This is one of my HG foundation at the moment, which is the Smoth silk Powder foundation. I always wanted to create a silky smooth look on my face, unfortunately, my liquid foundation never able to do so. In HK, I have also been using powder foundation rather than liquid as they give me that 'smooth' look on my face. This JS foundation works even better, it gives a glow as well.
103 (I'm not the darkest now.. finally) but it is a bit pale. I think that's how HK girls want to be, just on the little pale side. she said I can go for 104, but it is actually pink tone.
(I am getting good foundation match when I do it with a SA, so all foundation I get with SA is a very good match so far)
My verdict:
If you excuse me, please blind fold my wallet and my bleeding bank, this foundation would be perfect.
It is smooth yet light on skin. It gives a beautiful aroma, and with the enhanced design (this is only launched last month) it separately the sponge and the foundation into different level now.
I keep thinking if there's any alternative to this foundation. I don't think I know of. The kevin beautymaker compact also gives a similar coverage, but without the aroma and the silkiness. I love how after a few hours, your skin glows (seriously! my bf commented on how it glows)
I like powder foundation more than liquid, as you can re-apply during the day to the necessary area. I can't really find fault on this. In fact, My bleeding wallet will take me back and get the foundation refill so that it'll last me until October.
my next and perhaps last review for the moment will be js mix blush in colour 11, Rose fairy. Again new colour that is launched in March and an LE item. stay tuned!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Jill stuart: jewel eyes review
Dear girls...
are we ready for some JS?
Granting the wish for nic nic, decided to do a review for the eyeshadows first.
So this is the famous eyeshadows. i have tried the eyeshadows once and find it too shiny and pigmented. I want something more natural but decided to try this out nevertheless.
The colour i pick up is 04, which is on the pink side and very natural. I like the way how you can push the colour around to create a more natural feel but yet. very pigmented.
This particular palette is the new edition that came out. according to the SA, it was sold out until they restock it now.
the swatch. I have only applied once and that's what I get. Very natural colour, but perhaps for many girls, it is some colour that you already got in your makeup bag. I just absolutely panned my IPSA eye palette and hence totally justified myself have one. Just note the darker pink colour is a bit orange in real life, and the dark purple one is a really gd liner colour.
I have tried it today, and it works on me very well. shame cant do FOTD...
I need some advice taking FOTD on iphone or DSLR camera (no tripod pls) anyone can help?
Also, what's next should be on? another jill stuart or?
an introduction to a local HONG KONG skincare brand?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
teaser: Jill stuart Haul (super haul)
To celebrate a few things, I decided to haul some jill stuart last night.
And i basically got all the signautre products, ie. eyeshadow, blush, etc
this is something I haven't heard of and decide to get.
Jill stuart Eau de toilette
I'll blog of the haul very soon
I have also a few surprise up my sleeves during this trip. Stay tune!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Happy birthday to me :)
Just had my birthday last week. Thanks for all the twitter and fb messages !!
this year is my last birthday as a singleton. Well legally (I have a S with me) so my family spoiled me rotten with an evening out at my favourite teppanyaki place in Causeway Bay (Wasan-mi/aji) above Sogo. And a seafood feast at home, and a cake from Zoe the cake shop in Causeway Bay
My birthday present. All girls know what it is :)
I took many many photos during this trip but i'll do some scheduled post when I can type them in flight.
An annoucment: i'm flying to Sydney on 7th April to 13 April, anyone want to meet up. let me know.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Taiwan travel diary/台灣遊記 (1)
Perhaps the readers of this blog, don't really know, but this is the first time I write in Chinese for this blog. Mainly coz the people I wrote about are Chinese, I think it is better to write in English/Chinese. Hope people don't mind.
這個長週末去了一趟台灣,原本我的好朋友M 說因為我回到亞洲,想見見我。然後說不如他來香港或是去一個地方去玩玩,給了他幾個選擇,最後選了台灣。S也沒去過,(後來發現他小時候去過,也不告訴我,男朋友的度量哦)
went to Taiwan last long weekend. Originally my best friend m said I'm asia and want to meet up. Then he suggested maybe he should pop over to HK or choose a place to go, I gave him a few choice and he picked Taiwan. S never been so kind of decided this way (then found out he actually been there when we was young, and didn't tell me!!! Is this love as a boyfriend?)
This trip is a bit rush, firstly we want to do everything in 3 days, plus we want to save a bit of money like students, in the end, we never took a bus and used taxi every way.
先要謝謝的是陳太 (,我們親切的日租,我大概2月初的時候訂房,用電郵聯絡,天啊,她親自打長途電話過來問我台北的行程,講了差不多1個半小時的電話。台灣到英國的,還收我們這樣便宜的房租,太對不起你呢。陳太日租很好的,如果你是海外過來,可以把自己的機票副本作為訂票用的預定,下飛機後聯絡她,她會在機場巴士的車站接你過去。非常方便。
Firstly I want to say thanks to Mrs Chen ( Our utmost friendly hostess. I probably booked the room around early February and contacted her via email. Jeez, she actually called me on my UK mobile and spoke on the phone over 1 hours. It is Taiwan to UK, and charged us soooo cheaply. I actually feel a bit embarrassed. MRs Chen's hostel is really good, if you are coming from abroad, you can send her a copy of your flight ticket as a booking reservation/confirmation. Call her when you landed in the airport and she will pick you up at the airport express station. Really easy.
When we arrived in the hostel, because my friend's train arrived in Taiepi early so we went for sight-seeing (what we did afterwards I'll write about it later)
第二天,是我最期待的,就是九分包車導遊。林先生 (林:是子平朋友才對)一早就在車站等我們 (我們一下車,下樓梯就見到他,黃色的帽子很易認)先帶我們去看煤礦,當然現在沒有了,但是有時候自己不懂事,不清楚日本在台灣的影響,看到了十三層遺址, 有些感觸。 (其他的日程請看林導遊的網頁:
I was really looking forward to second day. Which is a driver guide to Jiufeng. Mr Lin (Lin probably will say: is ZhiPing only) was waiting for us first thing at the train station (once we got out of the train, down the stairs then we saw him. You can't really miss a guide wearing a yellow hat) First we went to see the mines, which is abandoned nowadays. Sometimes I feel I am a bit ignorant and naïve, not knowing the influence of the Japanese in Taiwan. When I saw the ruins of the Thirteen Floors, I felt something brewing in my heart. (other sight-seeing on offered are available from Mr Lin's website:
I can't really comment on Jiufeng, other than there's good food. But other than that, what's more?
最後原本訂好去十分,但是下太大的雨,實在去不行。S 不舒服所以林建議去野柳。S在途中睡,留下M 張開雙眼和林聊天。
Originally we planned to go to Shifeng, unfortunately it was really heavy rain so there's no way we can go. S was really feeling uncomfortable so Mr Lin suggested us to go to YeLiu. S fell asleep in the car on the way there, leaving M with his eyes wild open to keep Mr Lin company.
我們到了野柳之後,其實沒想那麼多,女皇頭呀,冰淇淋呀,通通不知道,還是要聽林的解說。但是我們實在是城市長大的小孩,原本還有一個景點的,我們還是放棄,去基隆。5點才完的導向我們4點已經筋疲力盡,我要會台北!!去了不夠30分鐘已經踏的 (ride a taxi)。去了基隆只是買了化妝品,我們呀!!
When we arrived in Yeliu, we didn't really think much. Those Queen's Head, ice-cream cone, we actually don't really know what's that. We gave up and asked to go to JiNong. The tour should finish at 5pm but we asked to finish at 4pm coz we're far too tired. WE WANT TO GO BACK TO TAIPEI. Not setting foot for 30 minutes we are already on our way back to the station by taxi. Afterall, we bought cosmetics in Taiwan even in Keenung.
Photos coming soon J
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Kevin beautymaker and Skincology Order for girls in EU / HK
I'm making 1 final order for Kevin beautymaker and skincology order for girls in Hong Kong or EU. Basically, i'm ordering and since they have around a 5 days turnaround time, I'll need to make the order by 16th march
If you want to order please have a look at this site
NT 31 = 1 USD
Other payment method (i.e. cash or UK bank transfer)
Currency rate:
NT 31 = 1 USD
48 NT = £1
Delivery cost:
At cost by royal mail:
5 girls sharing delivery cost to HK: 750 NT / 5 = 150 NT
local UK delivery: £1 (first class delivery) or 1.63USD (using paypal currency rate)
(this £1 is just a fiction amount, the real cost could be a lot less depending what type of delivery cost you want to choose)
if you pay by UK Bank transfer
= (255+150) / 48 + 1 = £9.43
for Paypal it is:
= (255+150) / 31 + 1.63 = 14.69
using the paypal converter you'll need to send:
$15.44 USD
£9.43 with paypal converter:
$16.72 USD
Why so complicated this formula?
unfortunately PAYPAL charges me for receiving money, so either you need to pay in advance so that I can receive the exact amount in GBP or I'll need to absorb the cost.
Don't worry if you dunno how to calculate. I'll do the calculation and quote you based on the above.
I am really doing it at cost price. The more girls we have for this haul, the cheaper the cost of delivery. I have around 5 girls interested and hopefully we can all share the cost. Remember no VAT!!
email should go to:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Success haul - Shiseido, Sasa and Mannings
I think everyone knows i'm an Angelfit crazy fan. I bought this Pore zero base with SPF25 in Mannings. I love the Ettusais pore zero foundation and determined that's how I want to look. This pore zero base helped to archieve a near flawless look (no enlarge pores, no flaky skin) I am only use Angelfit liquid foundation in W07 (can't find any in this trip, very weird) and their two-way foundation in O20.
The my beauty diary Platinum White tea Whitening mask. I always love my beauty diary especially their platinum masks. It is a very close paper texture to Bihada Ichizoku. I always doubt how effective is the serum but I am preparing to buy tonnes of these to stock up (probably in taiwan)
And finally DHC rose lip balm x2 in Mannings. they're doing a special promotion, two of these cost
$12 USD. Still a bit expensive but I love anything with rose.
I bought 2 and prepare to giveaway one of these. Stay tune!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
FAKE Bihada Ichizoku mask on sale.. and I got some...
My alarm bell should rang because these masks are selling for $9, which is $1.15 USD. hey, the official price is $4USD so I should really know. but I was super happy to see them because I ran out of them and I desperately need something before my Taiwan trip.
So the conversation between myself and the sales lady as follows:
Me: these are the bihada mask! what a bargain
Sales: yes, we source them from Taiwan. I have relatives in taiwan and buy them in
Me: hmm.. there's Chinese translations as well
Sales: yes. that's how they sell in Taiwan
So immediately I grab 4 mask and started to dash. But was stopped to see some My Beauty Diaries Eye Gel/serum on sale. Hmm... never saw them before so I played around. The texture is very smooth after applying but make the testing area slightly tanned. I thought rather than buying it there I better go home to do the research.
Went home and do research on the My Beauty diary eye gel. and found out My Beauty diary never ever release these eye gel, and apparently these are all fakes!! There's even fake my Beauty Dairy cleansing powder as well. So I decided to do more research on these Bihada masks
My clue that they are fake comes in these pictures:
So fake items even Bihada Ichizoku exist!
Beware ladies (and I'll sure be careful in the future)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
how to shop in payeasy (for Kevin beautymaker)
Originally my must-buy list in Kevinbeauty was as long as my A4 pages can hold, unfortunately, their stupid system doesnt allow to put items in shopping cart. Yes there's no shopping cart in their system, and you need to buy items one by one. therefore to buy 3 items, you'll need to put in 3 request and pay 3 times and pick the location of pickup 3 times!!! therefore, I only buy 2 items as I can't be bothered to press the same buttonsssss 3 times.
I'll do a quick English explaination if you are going to buy any Taiwanese makeup on payeasy (just if you stop by in taiwan)
2. All taiwan collection item that are available on payeasy is free delivery (except to overseas buyer) the cost you see is the cost you pay at the end. No need to pay extra
3. apparently it is like a rakuten system. Sellers advertised on payeasy, but they can't group items together to send over to you because they just can't. So if you buy 2 items from skincology and 2 items from Kevinbeauty, you need to make 4 transactions together, but can be all pick up at the same store
4. if you are from overseas and want to make use of the free delivery option, i recommend you collecting your item from a convinient store such as 7-11, OK near your hotel. Because I had bad experience where the item was stuck at the reception over 5 days before i was told it was there!! Also, if you don't want to give out credit card details, you can pay at the convenient store rather than in advance. (good if you thought you want to ditch your order and runaway last minute)
How to:
1. Go to and choose which item. Kevin beauty items are listed on the left, where it says 'Kevin'
3. I have picked the eye concealer and you need to scroll down the page until it shows you the colour option. Click the red box to buy.

first time buyer need to register as member, click the box on the right.
6. They'll ask your Taiwan ID number as login. For overseas buyer, use your date of birth plus the first 2 initial of your name (i.e. 01011900EV) as your login. the rest is just basic question such as email, taiwan address and taiwan telephone number
7. once you have registered, you will go back to where you login and complete the order. You will need to choose where it will be deliver (home or convinient store) and if you ask for home delivery, what kind of card payment (they have something called online ATM, credit card or bank transfer)
8. once you have chosen the delivery method and payment. It'll confirm your order like this.
9. you'll receive an email confirming an order is placed. Generally, goods are delivered in 3 working days. If there are no stock, they aim to delivery in 5 working days. A separate email will be sent to your mobile and email once they make the delivery and notify you to collect in the convenient store.
10. You can now collecting quoting your name and what order (I'll let you know in detail) at your chosen convinient store
Hope this is useful to girls out there!