Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cafetalk Beauty Lesson with Katia (Eng) -taster series number 3


I'm back.  And I have some good yet sorrow time in the last month, of course the happy thing is I went back to Hong Kong, and worked myself very very hard during that time. I even managed to squeeze  in a day trip to Guangzhou and Macao as well. It sounds glamorous but running your own business means you need to work hard and get some returns. If you want to be a young entrepreneur, take this advice, you are the biggest asset in your business, and you need to work every drop of it.

Ok, back to my cafe talk review, I had a very very interesting lesson with Katia, before it was interrupted with some sad events (I prefer to talk about it at the end of the post). It was fun, and never ever, I see myself in the same thing again.

I booked some lessons with her to talk about clothes. What Katia offers, is to talk about your wardrobe and suggest pieces you should throw away, and pieces you should keep. Now, this is a type of advice only celebrity can get, and getting this on cafe talk is definitely something with a lot of fun.

Lesson link-->

The lesson:
We started with talking about my very happy wedding life and how I put on 10 kg since I met my husband, and continue to gain. And being a businesswoman with a face of 24, I need to look more mature when I see my clients. Katia listened and we talked about my obvious weakness, which is to embrace my body, and also to look at clothes that suit my body size.

She went through my wardrobe using Skype (having an Ipad helps as you can switch your camera) and I managed to show her my whole wardrobe, and she can have a sneak peak of my Pink obsession. The amount of uber pink clothes was simple "Shocking". We went through some of my recent items and discuss why they suit or not suit. Many becomes the not suit category as it tries to hide my body feature than enhancing it.

The tutor:
Katia is so much fun with work with! I really enjoyed it and we always have a laugh when I pull out something from my wardrobe. To have someone giving advice for fashion is not easy. Because mainly it is actually criticism against your original taste. So to have humorous tutor working with you, making you feel less awkward and even helping you to understsand your own needs is extremely important.

My verdict:
Highly recommended to anyone who is struggling with their wardrobe, but this is not a one-off lesson, I would recommend you aim to take at least 3-4 lessons with Katia just to solve a simple wardrobe problem. There are some diagnostic sessions and advisory session, also she needs to help to suggest actual products for you to try and think about. But hey, a celebrity experience. Oh yes.

This post is written in the memory of Mui Chu. She died 1 week later we had the lesson due to pancreatic cancer. (2009-2015)

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